Doug Evans
Doug is an early pioneer in the health food movement. After losing his mother to cancer and his father to heart disease and watching his brother suffer through diabetes and three strokes, he invested in and co-founded Organic Avenue. Organic Avenue was the one the first organic cold-pressed juice and raw food retailer in the United States. He was the inventor and founder of Juicero, the first at-home cold-pressed juicing system. In a 3 year period, Doug led the company from conception to production launch and sold over 1 million Juicero Packs
Doug has been an avid sprouter for over 20 years and wrote ‘The Sprout Book’ to help create a movement around growing your own food.
Doug lives off the water grid and food grid on his land with private hot springs east of Joshua Tree, California at Wonder Valley Hot Springs where he created a sprout lab and has a daily practice of sitting, soaking and ashtanga primary series.