Derek Tresize
I’m originally from San Diego, CA where I spent all my free time in athletic pursuits from organized sports to martial arts to surfing and kayaking. I took up weightlifting in early high school and this love of weight training carried me naturally into bodybuilding as my physique developed. I also realized early on that I have a contagious enthusiasm in the gym: I can’t wait to get everyone around me as excited as I am about fitness.
I have become increasingly passionate about health and, as I continue to learn about biology, I am awed by the amazing intricacy of all aspects of life coming together so that it may thrive. This is why a holistic approach to health is the only approach that makes sense to me and the only way that will guarantee phenomenal and lifelong results. When I met Marcella seven years ago (on World of Warcraft!) and began educating myself about veganism and reading the works of Dr. Campbell and Dr. Fuhrman, I saw the scientific literature in support of a plant-based diet and knew there was no going back. I have since been spreading the word and striving to lead by example using fitness and bodybuilding as a means to demonstrate the amazing health benefits of a whole foods plant-based diet.
I am a:
ACE Certified Personal Trainer
Certified Corrective Exercise Specialist
BS in Biology from Virginia Commonwealth University
Certificate in Plant-Based Nutrition from Cornell University
World Natural Bodybuilding Federation and Naturally Fit Federation Men’s Physique Pro
Founding Member of Team Plantbuilt
My competion history:
2011 NPA Master’s Universe: Men’s Open Middleweight – 3rd
2011 NANBF Washington State Natural: Men’s Open Middle Height – 3rd
2012 OCB Bodysculpting Open: Men’s Novice Tall Class – 1st, Men’s Open Tall Class – 2nd
2013 OCB Battle of Tidewater: Men’s Bodybuilding Open Tall Class – 4th
2013 INBF Southwest Natural: Men’s Bodybuilding Light Heavyweight – 1st
2014 INBF Southwest Natural: Men’s Physique – 1st, WNBF Pro Card Awarded
2015 WNBF Pro Universe: Pro Men’s Physique – 2nd
2017 Naturally Fit Super Show: Pro Men’s Physique – 2nd
2017 NCP Jay Cutler Classic: Classic Physique Novice – 1st, Classic Physique Open – 2nd (National Qualification), Men’s Physique Open – 5th
2017 WNBF Pro Universe: Pro Men’s Physique – 5th
Things I’ve been in:
Men’s Fitness magazine
Switch4Good Podcast. Ep 44
Breaking Muscle Article: How To Build Muscle on a Plant-Based Diet
The Big Inside FTNS Radio Interview
Nutritionfacts.org Video on Plant Based Bodybuilding
Vegan Health and Fitness magazine
ACE Fitness Article: Can Vegan Athletes Match Their Meat-Eating Competitors?